Monday, September 6, 2010

Another flash demo

This is another demo that Blogger won't show as a flash animation, so I'm using an AVI file, which means that the animation is shrunken, overcompressed, and generally screwed up for your pleasure.  The actual flash would load a lot faster, look a lot better, and suck a lot less - you get the idea.

This was an assignment for a computer graphics class at SFSU.  The buttons were links to my resume and to other things on my SFSU website.  The music was stolen from the New Orleans Klezmer All Stars (by was of a CD from the library).

This demo never got finished, and now I don't know what to do with it - might as well put it on the blog.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Animated head demo

Blogger can't seem to cope with SWF files, so I've uploaded an AVI file instead; as a result, this seems to suck more than it really does.

This demo was only meant to animate my avatar's features - it isn't trying to communicate anything.  I thought if I had a beard I wouldn't have to figure out how to animate the mouth.