Monday, February 9, 2009


This is my nephew Alex playing basketball at the Boys and Girls Club in Martinez one night.

I didn't take any pictures there that I really liked; the kids' coach was between me and the action at a lot of critical moments, and it wasn't easy to keep the camera still for long exposures.

The first photo here has the little girl in the foreground, and the second photo is the best of what was left after that.

I think I like the first one because it seems as if the little girl is interpreting the game in dance (or something like that), and it's just cute. Awwwww!

The way the actual players are positioned is kinda interesting, too.

On the downside, Alex isn't anywhere in the frame. Stupid camera.

1 comment:

  1. I like how in the bottom shot you capture both stopped motion and blurring. Very nice use of flash and color.
