The skeg's bottom plate is coated with Goop to make a rubbery, sticky surface that won't slide. The tip is coated with Goop because it's more durable that the oil finish on the rest of the skeg. Goop was also used to fill various nooks and crannies and to glue the rope into place.
Once I've got this working (or when I just give up on it) I'm going to start making a waterproofed-nylon spray skirt.
(December 2012: this skeg is too deep to use in most conditions. I've been making a much smaller strap-on skeg for another kayak, and it seems to work fine. My current kayak has a rudder that I use as a drop skeg when it's windy.)
I've just made a homemade double skeg out of a length of industrial plastic channel. It should be as tough as!! I can either stick it on permanently with silastic or cut a few slots through it to allow it to be attached with nylon straps (probably do that anyway for testing). For more info, write to ozwalker AT hotmail DOT com. Cheers